
Saturday, November 04, 2006


ok. so its my first entry (well technically 2nd). I dont want to sound all emo (emo blogger is such a cliche!!!!!! uber lame) so...here goes ...

I think Ive been learning a lot more about people and their motives lately. I feel like i can tell what drives them, i just dont get why they want {whatever} so much. Im surprised people have the nerve to blatantly make up lies! i mean seriously! do they think we're stupid? I think its pathetic when someone i dont even talk to claims to know my secrets. Its amazing how low someone can stoop and how many ridiculous lies they can tell.

from now on I resolve to:

  1. call someone out if i know they're lying. they need to stop getting away with it
  2. not let people talking about me affect me. if they dont want to discuss it with me then its their problem.
  3. keep talking to more people and being positive.

btw, heres a fave blog of mine http://cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com


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